RCS System User - Forms

RCS Network Trouble Ticket - When users experience Loss comm/sporadic comm/bad audio etc. on the RCS system. Form will be submitted to personnel for investigation and resolution. NOTE: Please reference In-Building RCS Radio coverage for poor radio communications inside facilities.

Activate/Deactive My Radio - Form for a user to select and fill out when they have radios that already have RCS tracking numbers and are requesting to either turn them On or Off on the system.  The primary function of this option would be for the customers to regulate their "billed" radios on our system.  This option is NOT for adding new radios to the system or decommissioning radios from the system permanently.

Lost/Stolen Radio - For a customer that has a radio(s) that are either lost or stolen.  This form would allow them to instruct WSD on how to move forward with their functionality on the system. 

Program/Deprogram My Radio - This option would be for our EXISITING customers to request changing the fleetmap (programming) in their existing radio(s). Also, for customers to have radios decommissioned from the RCS.  Deprogrammed radios would be removed from their billed radio count.

Fix My Radio - Customers with current maintenance agreements.

 Get a New Radio - For our EXISITING customers to request newly purchased or acquired radios to go through our check-in process.  These are additional radios included in their existing "counts" or replacements for radios already on their billed count.